About This Blog

Dear Reader,

I do not sit in Starbucks, sipping  frappemochawhatevers while blogging about my ideals. I don't write posts revealing some higher, pretentiously complicated understanding of other's actions and the meaning of existence. I fully understand and accept the fact that nobody cares about the everyday goings on of my life. I understand this because I care even less about their's, to be honest. As a result, I don't like to be labeled as a "blogger" per say, because the type of person that a typical young blog author is, or wishes to be, reflects almost perfectly what I am not, and have no desire to be. 

I like to keep things simple. I started this blog because I enjoy writing, and if you are reading this then perhaps you will enjoy reading what I write. I'm not out to please anyone though, so if you don't like what I write then feel no obligation at all to read it. Better yet, e-mail me and we can argue about it, because that is one thing I do genuinely enjoy. The fact is that I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm not trying to change the world, I'm not trying to make a statement, bolster a movement, open dialogue, gain understanding, or any of that rubbish. I'm not an idealist by any stretch. What I am trying to do is become a better writer. 

The subject matter of my posts normally consists of commentary on current events and foreign interest stories,  accounts of my personal travels, and movie reviews (I've developed my knowledge of films to the point where I consider myself an amateur critic, and it is something I greatly enjoy doing.) Sprinkled in, you will encounter posts of other genres, such as editorial-style musings and other things of varying natures. Since my motives for this blog are very simple, I feel no need to limit my stylings. Finally, everything on here is by nature opinionated, and as I stated earlier, I enjoy a good  reckless debate, so have at it. 

I hope you now know everything you need to about my blog and its purpose, and if you do find my posts engaging, then I appreciate the sentiment.


Albert Anderson

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