As always, I've been keeping an eye out for news stories to write about. As it stands however, there hasn't been anything big that has jumped out at me. So I figure I'll try something new. I have three minor stories that interest me, so here they are, accompanied by my thoughts on the matter.
The Crosses
A federal appeals court ruled last Wednesday that crosses to commemorate fallen state Highway Patrol troopers along Utah roads violate the constitution by demonstrating a preference for Christianity. This is preposterous considering that the monuments were not required to be a crosses, but could be changed based on the victims' religions. And what group started this ridiculous controversy? American Atheists, Inc. Another example of a group of atheists being a nuisance to society for the sole purpose of gaining attention. What does this prove? Some atheists simply need to realize that the huge majority of people are religious in some capacity, and the entire world cannot be secularized for the benefit of a handful of self-righteous attention-seeking casuists.
The Donation
News America, the parent company of Fox News, has donated $1 million to the Republican Governor's Association. I don't think this is an appropriate move at all. Now, everyone knows that the various cable news channels have political leanings, Fox being perhaps more staunchly conservative than the others are liberal by my estimation. Still, there is an expectation that a news source will at least maintain the illusion of non-bias, and I think what News America has done effectively spits in the face of "Fair and Balanced". Is it a huge deal, or completely unexpected? No, but it is inappropriate activity for such a company.
The Taj Mahal
$578 million. That is the price tag on a new public school in California, opening for the impending school year. What the hell? That was my initial reaction, but with a little more profanity. The people behind this monstrosity argue that the project was initiated before the economic downturn, which is still no excuse for why this was built at such a budget in the first place. How on earth will this school be more beneficial to children? I have seen pictures, and it is basically furnished like a palace, which is fine if you're a king, but an enormous waste of money if you are a school superintendent. School is a place where you hope that children will gain intelligence, but this enormous display of stupidity doesn't exactly set a good example.
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